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Archive for August 2013




We had to interview the key people in the industry

The choices are :
-Quantity Surveyor
-Structural Engineers
-M&E Engineers
-Interior Designers
-Project Management
-Landscape Architect

Group members : Teck Wei, Sean Chua, Benny Tan, Kishant and myself, Jason.

We had to come out with a magazine related to the interview with a maximum of 6 pages.

Self Reflection

From this project, I have learnt to work as a team and also expose myself more to the construction industry and also to gain more knowledge about architect's life. I have also learnt to have a good time management to avoid from last minute work. 

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    Members : Yap Kar Juen (Leader), Cheah Teck Wei, Chua Jiu Xin, Eellyn Cheong, Cassandra Wong


    -types of building development
    -authorities role in construction industry

    Prepare a company profile on role that you represent in the project.
    i. Company profile
    ii. Organization Structure
    iii. Financial statement
    iv. Building and Process

    Self Reflection

    From this project, I have learnt to work co-operatively to compile the group work and also trust each other on the progress. Not only that, I have also learnt to manage my time properly and wisely. I have also learnt to communicate well with the lecturer for better understanding of work both meeting and also online discussion.

    Group Submission

    Individual Submission

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      The Journal 03

      TJ 03 ( Public Spaces ) 

      The second last TJ, very excited indeed. This journal exercise is about public spaces in Malaysia.

      KLCC park


      We had to go to a famous public space in Malaysia for example, Dataran Merdeka, the park in KLCC and others. We must go there by public transport and also take pictures, sketch, collect informations at the site. We had to also compare the day and night view of the public space. 


      It was a tiring day out for this journal exercise as taking public transport in Malaysia ain't that easy compared to other places. It was a serious hazy day when we went to our site but fortunately we had mask to help out. It was also great to actually find out a lot of informations that I've never realised also I have been a a few times. This exercise increases my general knowledge, I had a great experience and learnt a lot from it. 

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      The Journal 02

      TJ 02 ( Symbiotic Relationship )

      The next TJ is up ! The topic this time is the symbiotic relationship.

      Goby Fish and Pistol Shrimp 


      The topic became more interesting this time,the task was do research about the symbiotic relationship between two living things and note down to show the informations.

      Throughout the TJ 02, I was really amazed by the symbiotic relationships, learning about how they helped and benefited each other in their life. This journal exercise also helped to increase my general knowledge and taught me a lot.

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      The Journal 01

      TJ 01 (Conservation)

      So we were introduced to the new assignment. This is an assignment which consists of five pages maximum only. The Journal 01 was about conservation. 

      Panthera Tigris Jacksoni


      The task was to do research about the conservation on environment, animals and others. We need to list down the causes of extinction, ways to solve the problem, interesting facts and also other informations. We were also allowed to paste pictures.


      It was a great experience to actually do a deep research on the animal I was focusing on. I get to know more about the animal and also throughout the world. This journal exercise helps to increase my general knowledge. After this exercise, I also learnt to conserve the earth. 

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      IDJ 03

      IDJ 03 ( Superhero )

      Time flies, the next IDJ is up and the topic sounds very interesting too ! 

      My Superhero !

      Task (Pencil)

      We had to create a superhero using our 'friend' or 'the object'. Mine was pencil and so I had to create a superhero related to my 'friend'. We also had to create logo, name, enemies and also to design the superhero. 


      I really had fun doing this IDJ because of the interesting topic, I think that I've never done this before in my life. As usual, I had to really think out of the box to get great ideas for my superhero and also to design it well so that it looks cool and powerful. It was really fun and I am proud of my superhero. 

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      IDJ 02

      IDJ 02 ( What can you do and what you can't do with pencil )

      So we were introduced to the second IDJ, IDJs will be given every 3 weeks! 

      Can & Can't

      Task (Pencil)

      The topic became more interesting this time,the task was to really think out of the box about what you can do with pencil and also what you can't do with pencil. Then, we will have to create a mind map to represent and show our ideas clearly. 


      Throughout the IDJ 02, I just tried to think as much as possible. It's difficult to actually get good and unique ideas although it might seems easy but it was fun to actually test ourselves. I also learnt to draft out and ways to get our ideas when we are stuck at one point. It was a great experience and fun.

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      IDJ 04

      IDJ 04 ( Metaphor, Simile, Personification and Analogy)

      The second last IDJ, excited !


      Task (Pencil)

      We had to create Metaphor, Simile, Personification and Analogy related to our 'friend' or object. Create a mind map to represent our ideas.


      I was quite stuck while doing this IDJ at first because I was lack of ideas while doing but I tried to find a way to think out of the box and get great ideas for unique Metaphor, Simile, Personification and Analogy. A great experience as it also improved my english. 

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      This assignment is to provide students with basic oral presentation skills.

      Learning Outcome
      The learning outcomes are to be able to have the ability to present efectively by applying the elements of an effective speaker in for main areas namely the voice projection, body language, contect as well as organization of the content. We should also learn to analyse and listen to conversations in various interactive, social, professional and academic situations and also identify the main idea from lectures, talks and video by lecturers.

      Research and deliver an oral presentation describing the life, contributions, influence and work of any on of the following people : 

      1.      -Leonardo da Vinci
      2.       -Michelangelo Buonarroti
      3.       -Frank Lloyd Wright
      4.       -Fumihiko Maki
      5.       -Le Corbusier
      6.       -Geoffrey Bawa
      7.       -Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe
      8.       -Leoh Ming Pei

      9.       -Any other famous architects, designers or artist of your choice.

      Submission Requirement
      We were required to submit a video of our oral presentation in a creative manner in group of four to five. Each group will be required to produce a video of 20 to 25 minutes of particular individual of our choice. 


      Intrapersonal     Life long       Descipline
          skills              learning        Specific

      From this assignment, the first and most important thing I've learnt is the time management, time management is the most important in this assignment as it cannot be done in the last minute because we had to do research, memorize the script, take a video and edit. There are a lot of work to do although it looks simple, especially the memorizing part, it is one of the hardest part. Not only that, I also learnt to speak English fluently and also improved in memorizing. I find out that in an oral presentation, the most important thing is to not panic and be natural and also don't forget the script, make sure you memorize it well before presenting.

      Video Submission
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      We were asked to provide practice in basic 5-paragraph essay writing, instructions in basic referencing skills and also basic analytical skills for contemporary essays and reading texts.

      Learning Outcome
      The learning outcomes are to write a well-developed and organised 5-paragraph essay. Not only that, we also get to learn to apply correct APA style referencing techniques and to analyse contemporary essays critically.

      There were three topics for us to choose from : 

      1. In some countries young people have little leisure time and are under a lot of pressure to work hard in their studies. What do you think are the causes and effects of this condition? Plan your response, and then write a cause and effect essay.

      2. Write a compare or contrast essay about any two traditional houses of your choice.

      3. Identify the steps involved in producing an attractive sketch. Then, write a process essay to describe this process.

      Submission Requirement
      We were required to answer only one question from the three choices above. The word limit for the essay is 600-800 words only. We must research the topic that we choose and write an essay. The essay must be typed on A4 paper using the 'ARIAL' font with point size 12 and also double spacing. The essay must be submitted together with pre-writing, citations within the text supporting your argument, a list of references and also the cover page. 


      Intrapersonal     Life long       Descipline
          skills              learning        Specific

      From this assignment, the first and most important thing I've learnt is the time management, time management is the most important in this assignment as it cannot be done in the last minute because a good and in depth research is very much needed to support the essay. I first thought that it was easy to write a 600-800 words essay but when I was actually typing it out, I found out that I was lack of points to support the essay and I had to do more research on the topic chosen. I've also learn to do great referencing after not doing a good job in my submitted reference. I also learnt that writing a good essay will require good points, following the format and more. It was a very good experience as it was my first time doing such a long essay.
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      About Me


                            NAME : Yap Kar Juen ( Jason )
                             D.O.B : 18/10/1995
                              From : Sungai Buloh, Selangor
                            E-Mail :
      Secondary school : Sekolah Sri Cempaka
           Favourite food : A lot ! Snacks, Japanese food and a lot more
                           Hobby : Playing football
      Reason I choose this course : Because I like


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      CTS Final Project


         Our final project for CTS is to create a game related to our own object respectively. 


      1) Then, during practices and everything, I finally understood. This project can actually build teamwork, you’ll find someone you can’t work with and dislike in the team but we had to work as a group for this project, no matter how bad our communication is.

      2)  I also learned to manage my time very properly because my group was actually bad but we tried very hard to improve it in the end. Yes, we had a lot of planning for the performance, such and a drama. As time goes by, I slowly realize that the time’s really running out and we were so far behind other groups. 

      3) We were all so paranoid in the last week before performance, we had our songs done very last minute ( the day before performance ). So, from this, I learned to manage my time.

      4) This project also tests our creativity of making instruments using daily objects. Not only that, our relationship among each other also grew as time flies. To be honest, after the performance, I actually kinda miss the practices we had, we were always very happy after completing a song.

       Anyways, it was a really good experience, performing on stage seems easier to me now, I could hardly go on stage to show myself last time. A good experience.

      CTS Final Project youtube link :

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      IDJ 01

      IDJ 01

      So we were introduced to the new assignment which will be given every 3 WEEKS ! This is an assignment which consists of five pages maximum only. We were all given different 'friends' ( things used in life for example, pencil, cotton bud, ping pong ball and others ) . Mine was pencil.

      My friend, the pencil. 

      Task (Pencil)

      The task was to find information about your 'friend' and create a mind map about using it creatively other than writing. We also had to create our own pet name and logo. 


      It was a great experience to actually work my mind out. I also get to know a lot more about pencil, the informations were a lot more than I expected. Although it is only a pencil, there are a lot more we don't know. Throughout the IDJ process, I could actually test my own creativity and it was nice to actually try to think out of the box which I have not been doing, a great experience and I learnt a lot. 

      IDJ Submission

      here is my submission
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      ENBE Final Project


      Oh well, the final assignment is here, so pumped !

      This is a FUN trip but we also have to work on our projects. Beely, Sean, Teck Wei, Mak and I were in the same group and I am the leader.

                  Due Date :  1. week 14 for video and A4 report
                                        2. week 18 for model


      • expose the elements of the natural and built environment in their basic unit, form and function
      •  show symbiotic relationship of the elements of the natural and built environment
      • question, analyse and articulate the impact between natural and built environment

            We were supposed to create a future city, which is the new 'X' city, about 25-40 kilometer square with a population of 150,000 - 500,000. This is because the current city is no longer liveable for some reason. We were allowed to choose from one of the future cities, an underground city, an underwater city, a floating on water city, a city in the air, enhance the existing city or combine two types of city from the above. We were assigned to come out with a video presentation, A4 report and also a model of the future city. 

      • describe the different characteristics of the natural and built environment by exploring the  basic elements such as natural topography, landscape, space, building and infrastructure. 
      • differentiate and compare the different development of the built environment by looking at the natural topography, landscape, space, building and infrastructure
      • analyse and evaluate the different development of the built environment by looking at the natural topography, landscape, space, building and infrastructure
      • Understand how to communicate ideas through observation and using different media/tools/techniques to present information of the study of natural and built environment

      WHAT I've Learnt
      • to work as a team
      • to be independent 
      • to appreciate what I have right now
      • to appreciate my bedroom
      • to appreciate water
      • don't give up
      • read the brief before project

      Video Prosentation 


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      CTS Project 1

      CTS PROJECT 01

                Our first project for CTS is to create a performance by using instruments made by daily objects and onomatopoeia (using voices to create music). 8 in a group (Kishant ‘leader’ , Sean, Teck Wei, Eelyn, Cassandra, Ronn, Kawthar and myself ‘Jason.) At first, I thought why did we have to do this, is this a part of coming an Architect ?


      1) Then, during practices and everything, I finally understood. This project can actually build teamwork, you’ll find someone you can’t work with and dislike in the team but we had to work as a group for this project, no matter how bad our communication is.

      2)  I also learned to manage my time very properly because my group was actually bad but we tried very hard to improve it in the end. Yes, we had a lot of planning for the performance, such and a drama. As time goes by, I slowly realize that the time’s really running out and we were so far behind other groups. 

      3) We were all so paranoid in the last week before performance, we had our songs done very last minute ( the day before performance ). So, from this, I learned to manage my time.

      4) This project also tests our creativity of making instruments using daily objects. Not only that, our relationship among each other also grew as time flies. To be honest, after the performance, I actually kinda miss the practices we had, we were always very happy after completing a song.

       Anyways, it was a really good experience, performing on stage seems easier to me now, I could hardly go on stage to show myself last time. A good experience.

      sorry I couldn't upload but this is the link to our group performance, the BabyStarz !

      Time to submit our individual documentation ! We had to put in a document file and put in the box located in C9. We were all in rush :D

      A really good experience from this individual documentation, so relieved after passing up BUT there's more coming !!!

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      CTS Brainstorming session, Six Thinking Hats

      The Brainstorming Session 19/04
      The Six Thinking Hats

                    On that day, we were told to create mindmaps an A3 drawing block. 4 in a group ( Teck Wei, Eelyn, Cassandra and myself 'Jason' . ) We watched a video about how to use the six hats. After watching, we were given a topic ' How to Avoid Prejudice in Class ? '. We had to apply the six thinking hats while creating the mindmap, we had to kept expanding a point. I learned to do proper and creative mindmap. 

      Me creating the mindmap
      Me thinking of what point to write
      Our final product !

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      ENBE Project 1

      PROJECT 1

      YES ! We had a chance to go for a trip in week 3 ! 

      This is a FUN trip but we also have to work on our projects. Beely, Sean, Teck Wei, Mak and I were in the same group and I am the leader.

                  DATE :  15th and 16th of April.
      Destination :   River  Stone  Eco  Resort ,
                              Hutan  Lipur  Sungai  Tua ,
                             Jalan  Sungai  Tua , 
                             68100  Batu  Caves ,
                             Selangor  Darul  Aman .

      • look for our own site
      • each of us had to look for an animal/insect and plant to do research on for our individual and also infographic
      • take videos for the documentation video
      • sketch the site
      • create our own logo using plants such as bamboo stick, leaves, flowers and others.


      As we are all new, this trip provides the opportunity for us to know each other better. This trip also helps to build the teamwork between us as we will have to work together as a group throughout the whole semester. We were also given the chance to expose to the nature. 

      WHAT I've Learnt
      Life long           Descipline
      learning        Specific Knowledge

      From this project, I have learnt to work as a team to finish up a project. Working as a team is not easy, trust is very important. I have also learnt to be independent throughout the trip and also appreciate what I have right now after experiencing so much during the trip. Furthermore, I learnt to find ways to solve problems during the project 


      1. Meet at Taylor's early in the morning and departed at about 8+
      2.  We reached the place at about 9+ and went to the dorm to settle down
      3.  Meeting at the hall ( no fan ) 
      4. Walked around the place
      5. We actually went to the middle of forest to check it out 
      6. Then we went to the riverstone, the moment we reached riverstone, we've already decided to choose our site there, the water is so cool and clear there. 
      7. We mark our site with strings and started sketching it
      8. Each of us then went around and look for our own insect/animal and plant
      9. Plucked some flowers and leaves for our group logo and present it at night
      10. We couldn't sleep at night because of the bad condition of dorm, maybe we're not used to it.
      11. Fell asleep at about 3-4 in the morning. (FINALLY :) 


      1. Went to the site again because we didn't have enough information for the project.
      2. Observe our site very carefully this time
      3. Note down the 5 senses
      4. Gather everyone's information
      5. Packed in the afternoon and depart back to Taylor's Lakeside University


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      My life here
      Foundation In Natural and Built Environment (FNBE)


      No. 1 Jalan Taylor's47500 Subang Jaya,Selangor Darul EhsanMalaysia 


      Find us on Google Maps


      N 3° 3' 52.91", E 101° 36' 58.15"


      603-5629 5000


      603-5629 5001


      Foundation in Natural and Built 

      Environment (FNBE) is a one 

      year Pre-university programme 

      which can lead to career such 

      as Architecture and Quantity


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