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Archive for October 2013

C&C Project 1


- explore to the genealogy through research and analysis
- study the generation evolution
- develop skills in gathering information and synthesizing relevant information into a concise presentation

 Learning Outcomes
- able to describe the historical development of human civilization.
- able to develop skills of data gathering.

In a group of 2, produce a
1. Graphical Time-line Calendar together with your family tree.
2. A 10 minutes video of the interview and research that has been done
* Both Graphical Calendar & Family Tree and info graphic should consist of Text (short summary) and Images (Illustration, photo, diagram or chart, etc) that best represent the topic discussed
* In your info graphic, you should highlight the any issues relating to geographical, economy, politics, culture, characteristics and achievement

Individually, you are to produce
1. An A5 info graphic booklet representing your family culture and traditions.
* In your booklet, you should highlight any issues relating to culture and traditions that your family practice using illustrations (sketch, photo, diagram or chart, etc) and text(short summary).



CD Cover

Final Board


     From this project, I've really understood more about my family, which I didn't even bother to care about in my whole 18 years time. I realised how interesting my family was. I also learnt to gather information well and compile together. It was a great project as I could communicate more and well with my family.
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DV project 1A

Well, the first project for DV is here. So pumped ! This is an individual project.

- identify a personal and expressive response to visual simulation.

- apply basic principles and elements of design and drawing as a language to visualise and to

communicate ideas.

Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this assignment, students will be able to demonstrate the following:

- Find out the potential for creativity, self-expression and visual awareness.

- Identify the fundamental principles, elements and techniques in sketching.

Task - 8 free hand sketches :

A.Body Parts / Figure / Nature (use Charcoal on white drawing paper )
B. Object Projection (use Charcoal on white drawing paper)
C. Detail (Pencils on white drawing paper )
D. Geometric Projection (use Artline + white drawing paper )
E. Tracing a picture (rendering) (use Artline + Tracing paper )
F. One point Perspective TUC (Artline + white drawing paper)
G. Two point Perspective TUC  (use Pencil & white drawing paper)
H. Artistic Representation of a famous building (plan/elevation/section/perspective) (on brown/black paper/white + mix media or just one type)









Learning outcomes\

     From this project, I have learnt to visualise. It was my first time trying to sketch that much and I really learnt a lot. I realised that not only sketching skill is important but we must also learn to visualise. The eight sketches weren't easy for me at all but I've tried my best. I gained a lot of experience from this project and this project really motivated me to become an Architect. Looking forward to the project 1B !

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